Monday, August 23, 2010

The planet

Well, finally I found some time add some more of my experiences.
This one happened when I was a kid at the time when the experiences with the greys where quite frequent. However within this period there were occasions that had no interaction with the greys, at least that I would be aware of. Once I was taken on a trip to planet with two suns. That image I can see almost clearly even today after so many years. The place was arid desert with a high sharp rock in the middle of this picture. One sun was quite big red color and the other like ours- the size and color. I think that it was on a 'way' back that I saw our planet from space. Huge, lovely and beautiful. I received a message, a number that was "12 thousand million". I understood, that it was related to population. At that young age I had no idea about how many people live on our planet. As I later found out, there is around 7billion(bn) people on the Earth today. The number I received is 12bn. Even though I just remember the number I have a hunch that it meant, that at the level of 12bn, we would be really overcrowded or would be on a food production and environment limit or something like that. Perhaps some kind of warning?

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